Sharing Our Knowledge and Resources
A major theme of the Pacific Coast Branch is to help people Remember – Honour – and Learn from the events of the Great War. We do this by making the following information available:
The Listening Post Newsletter/Magazine
The Listening Post is our newsletter/magazine published three to four times per year by editor Robert Forbes. It is posted to our website approximately two months after distribution to members.
E-Journal Seminar Presentations
The E-Journal is a vehicle for sharing presentations made at WFA – Pacific Coast Branch annual seminars and other original articles related to the purpose of the branch. Appropriate articles and presentations are published on-line on as they are received. .
CEF100 Great War Commemoration Guide
The diagrams in the attached CEF100 Commemoration Guide provide an overview of the Great War period and the major themes around which commemoration programs can be designed.They also provide a list of the major battles fought by the Canadian Expeditionary Force and the order of battle (rank structure) of the CEF.
Links to Great War Sites
Links to related organizations and other Great War material are provided.